1. /usr/port/net/freeradius2/ ==> make install clean
2.cd /usr/local/etc/raddb/certs/ ==> make ca server and client key file
3.cd sites-enabled/ , vi default file
authorize {
authenticate {
Auth-Type LDAP {
save and exit
4. vi eap.conf
eap {
default_eap_type = tls
random_file = ${certdir}/random
save and exit
5, vi modules/ldap
ldap {
# Note that this needs to match the name in the LDAP
# server certificate, if you're using ldaps.
server = "ldap.test.com"
#identity = "cn=admin,o=My Org,c=UA"
#password = mypass
basedn = "dc=test,dc=com"
filter = "(uid=%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{User-Name}})"
#base_filter = "(objectclass=radiusprofile)"
save and exit
6. run radius ==> radiusd -X
7. vi clients.conf
add serveal line below
client {
secret = 1qaz2wsx
shortname = Yves_test
8. vi users file
add line below
test Cleartext-Password := "test"
Reply-Message = "Hello, %{User-Name}"
9. test radtest test test localhost 0 testing123
success result ==>
radtest test test localhost 0 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 177 to port 1812
User-Name = "test"
User-Password = "test"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 0
Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=177, length=33
Reply-Message = "Hello, test"
10. test ldap user
result ==>
radtest abc abc localhost 0 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 205 to port 1812
User-Name = "abc"
User-Password = "abc"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 0
Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=205, length=20
radius -X general messages :
[ldap] login attempt by "abc" with password "abc"
[ldap] user DN: uid=abc,ou=people,dc=test,dc=com
[ldap] (re)connect to ldap.test.com:389, authentication 1
[ldap] bind as uid=abc,ou=people,dc=test,dc=com/abc to ldap.test.com:389
[ldap] waiting for bind result ...
[ldap] Bind was successful
[ldap] user abc authenticated succesfully
++[ldap] = ok